Party 01. - 02.04.11 · Indoor · Newcastle upon Tyne, Großbritannien Line-Up: MAIN ROOM - Progressive/Psytrance... Prognosis (Psylicious, Thimbleberry) Sam Cook (Cybernetics, Conscious Monkeys, Detox) DJ Whey I (Arcane) Dave Thoburn (The Flabbergasters, Cybernetics, Conscious M…Info: lots of drinks promos. all bottles £3 all promo bottles £2.50 treble house vodka £3 all brand name spriits double with mixer £3 double jack and mixer £3Location: 20 Stowell Street NE1 4XQ Vorbei: 13j 11m · 1.045 · Eingetragen von irishfaery Fotos0 People PSYTAZICA Newcastle upon Tyne · Großbritannien Fr., 01.04.11, 22:00 - Sa., 02.04., 04:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 11m