Party 19. - 20.12.09 · Indoor · Dietikon (ZH), Schweiz / 2 Line-Up: Talamasca (Mindcontrol) XSI (Mindcontrol) Talamasca vs. XSI (Mindcontrol) Bamboo Forest (Mindcontrol) Mr. Youth (Mindcontrol) Audionatica (GON Records) Sunstryk (Plusquam rec.)POW-LOW (AUTIST Berlin, EMI/Virgin) D.J.O.E. (Psyload) Nightwalk (Vibrative Sounds) ED T (Psyload) Jacky (Stairs Zürich)Info: Psyload is teaming up with world wide renowned Mindcontrol Records to bring to you the 3rd and final edition of Night of Psycho, vol. III ! What a way to bring to an end to Psyload's debut year, 2009.…Location: City Hall, Fondlistrasse 15 8953 Dietikon (Zürich) Vorbei: 15j 2m · 5.568 · Eingetragen von edman Fotos0 People Psyload and Mindcontrol present Talamasca,bamboo forest+more Dietikon (ZH) · Schweiz Sa., 19.12.09, 22:00 - So., 20.12., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · / 2 · Vorbei: 15j 2m