Party 20. - 21.08.10 · Indoor · Beijing, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: The best of Psybeats in China will be provided by our international crew... DJ Gotama (BEL) DJ Microgram (IL) DJ Pete (Tiprecords/UK) Guest DJ Aaron (CN)Info: Psytrance "Home to the Holy Rollers, Freaks&Geeks Techno Shamans, and Masters of The Beat" After a month break, due to the Total eclipse festival in easter island, Chile (DJ Pete and Gotama…Location: Red Club Sanlitun North Street, 3.3 Building, Chaoyang Distr… Vorbei: 14j 6m · 1.393 · Eingetragen von Gotama Fotos0 People Psylitun Beijing · Volksrepublik China Fr., 20.08.10, 22:00 - Sa., 21.08., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 6m