Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 06. - 07.12.08 · Club · Winnipeg, Kanada Line-Up: CHRIS ORGANIX (Phantasm Records, Canada) - DJ (Psy) BAALAM (Caffix Records, Mexico) - DJ (Darkpsy) Lo Progression (Winnipeg Psychedelic, Canada) - DJ (Psy) A-Ok (Winnipeg Psychedelic, Canada) - DJ (F…Info: Ring in the holiday season under a blacklit Christmas tree with a healthy with dose of psy, Moosehead and absinthe. Come out and experience 2 rooms of psychedelic music, decor and costumes Wpg Psy sty…Location: Sonar Night Club 279 Garry St, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, MB… Vorbei: 16j 3m · 1.962 · Eingetragen von Báalam Fotos0 People Psylent Night 2 Winnipeg · Kanada Sa., 06.12.08, 22:00 - So., 07.12., 03:00= 5stdClub · Vorbei: 16j 3m