Party 20. - 21.06.15 · Club · Bangkok, Thailand Line-Up: DJ : MUSHTRIBE PUFFER P JACK DE JACKAL JOHN LEE MONGInfo: New place, better vibes. Back to our root and our own way, real underground!!! Welcome all to join our tripping night with love, peace and dance with pure Psychedelic sounds by Psyhead DJs and frien…Location: The Overstay Charansanitwong soi 40, Charansanitwong rd.,… Vorbei: 9j 7m · 343 · Eingetragen von [[- GoA GuMmY -]] Fotos0 People PSYHEAD COMMUNITY Bangkok · Thailand · Karte Sa., 20.06.15, 22:00 - So., 21.06., 12:00= 14stdClub · Vorbei: 9j 7m