Party 25. - 26.10.14 · Indoor · Groningen, Niederlande Line-Up: Psytrance: Supergroover (Boom! Records) Tus'ka (Space Baby Records) Rob (Boom! Records, Up Projects) Rem & Rinzy (Boom! Records) Alec (Tripical Island) Lurk (Liquid Records) Anand (3rd BIT Events) Chi…Info: On The 25th of October 2014 all unique souls are invited to psychronise to the beat and become one with our Universe. Let our minds merge together into the ocean of trance and joy. The night of 25th o…Location: HSA Pop Dijkemaweg 31B 9731 BB Groningen Vorbei: 10j 4m · 741 · Eingetragen von MC Alecsun Fotos0 People Psychronicity Groningen · Niederlande Sa., 25.10.14, 22:00 - So., 26.10., 06:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 10j 4m