Party 08. - 09.11.08 · In- & Outdoor · around gent, Belgien Line-Up: AMITHABA BUDDHA (phototropic rec.) por. PSY-RAH (paradox family) be. CHEMICAL SPOON (psybabba rec/trishula rec) hun. SCOPE (lysergic asylum) be.DR. GONZO (piramide) be LEPTON (cosmic theatre rec./pandemonium) be PEER PRESSURE (independent) be JAVI (paradox family) beInfo: * PSY-RAH and SCOPE promo cd for the first 100 beatniks * foodstand * cocktails * fireshow * fresh fruitzLocation: gent / details on flyer Vorbei: 16j 4m · 2.908 · Eingetragen von finrod Fotos0 People )))psychotic Wesley's united((( around gent · Belgien Sa., 08.11.08, 22:00 - So., 09.11., 12:00= 14stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 16j 4m