Party 09. - 10.01.16 · Club · New York City, Vereinigte Staaten Line-Up: ॐ PSYPIEN Live (Psyde Effect Records / Visionary Shamanics / Radial Engine Tribe) ॐ ॐ MADHATTER (S.T.A.R.Labs / Futterwacken / Radial Engine Tribe - NYC) ॐ ॐ GORDITO (Futterwacken - NYC) ॐ ॐ VUDOO…Info: PUBLIC BETA WEAR vending by Victor Psybotik @ [] Energetic charged art wear, hand made and designed by DR3AM3R.] Live uv-reactive face and bodypaint by Kirkworx Dupuis/Location: Drom Vorbei: 9j 1m · 203 · Eingetragen von psycheground Fotos0 People PsYcHeGrOuND presents: PSYPIEN Live, MADHATTER, GORDITO and VUDOO RUNNER New York City · Vereinigte Staaten · Karte Sa., 09.01.16, 23:00 - So., 10.01., 04:00= 5stdClub · Vorbei: 9j 1m