Party 01. - 02.06.12 · Open Air · Ljubljana-Przan, Slowenien Line-Up: HUX FLUX -live ( SWEDEN--Hyperflow records)---happy to announce first time in Slovenia!!!!!DJane Gaby (Digital Nature, Source Creation-SLO) Kilgore Throuth ID Tian Zvuk TymaInfo: From Ljubljana city center where the buses go---take BUS 7...which goes without any problem DIRECT till the PARTY entrance;) PRZANLocation: Ljubljana--next to club PRZAN/ endstation of bus 7(Przan) Vorbei: 12j 9m · 1.952 · Eingetragen von Djane Gaby Fotos0 People PSYCHEDELIC STATION Ljubljana-Przan · Slowenien Fr., 01.06.12, 22:00 - Sa., 02.06., 12:00= 14stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 12j 9m