Party 06. - 07.03.10 · Indoor · Beijing, Volksrepublik China Line-Up: - Gotama (BE) - Belgium's finest export, a veteran of the scene. From progressive to full-on he will unleash his stash of dance-floor destroyers. - Michael (CN) - Beijing's very own. sublime mixing sk…Info: Psytrance "Home to the Holy Rollers, Freaks&Geeks, Techno Shamans, and Masters of The Beat" GoaProductions invites you to a Psy-Paradise, slip through the night and breeze into the dawn to a…Location: Kokomo 4/F, Tongli, Sanlitun Back Street, Sanlitun Tongli S… Vorbei: 15j · 1.609 · Eingetragen von Gotama Fotos0 People Psychedelic Paradise Beijing · Volksrepublik China Sa., 06.03.10, 22:00 - So., 07.03., 04:00= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j