Party 04. - 05.02.23 · Club · Wetzikon (ZH), Schweiz Line-Up: PSYCHEDELIC MOOD`S part 1 Presentet by Mythos prod & 33 Hours The oldest form of expression is movement and dance. We think too much and dance too less. Music connects people, it blows across all bord…Info: Dekoration: ֎Tribesdecoration֎ (Italy) ֎Mythos Crew֎ 33 Hours ֎ Karin (Schweiz) Mapping: ֎Ri Visualart ֎ (Italy) Soundsystem: ֎LAMBDA LABS֎ Bar: ֎@TAMARA֎ Chillout: ֎Baba Moon Chai֎ Location: ֎K…Location: Kulturfabrik Wetzikon, Zürcherstrasse 40, 8620 Wetzikon (ZH) Vorbei: 2j 1m · 1.428 · Eingetragen von tsunamix Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People PSYCHEDELIC MOOD`S part one Wetzikon (ZH) · Schweiz · Karte Sa., 04.02.23, 21:00 - So., 05.02., 14:00= 17stdClub · Vorbei: 2j 1m