Party 04. - 05.11.17 · Indoor · Nijmegen, Niederlande Line-Up: UPLIFTING PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE by < R'DEEM > (BE) Purple Snow/B2B < DARZID > Darzid - Psychedelic.FM | Facebook < CYBERCHICK > < ANTALI > (DE) Chill Out by &l…Info: There will also be a holistic & ayurvedic massage group of 5 people who make sure the vibes will stay harmonized. NamastéLocation: Waalhalla Centrum Winselingseweg 12 6541 AK Nijmegen Vorbei: 7j 4m · 921 · Eingetragen von The - S - Xperience Fotos0 People Psychedelic Klub Nijmegen · Niederlande · Karte Sa., 04.11.17, 23:00 - So., 05.11., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 4m