Party 31.10. - 02.11.09 · Indoor · Magic land, Irland Line-Up: Genepool (Syncronize Records) - IrelandHaryom (Hypergate Records) - Iran Mycel (Mind Expanders) - Germany Flex (Plant) - Portugal Yogi (Plant) - Ireland Philly (Plant) - Ireland Psyam (Generator X) - Ireland Psylock (Tribal Moviment) - Ire…Info: Dear friend We are planning a Halloween party in a private castle in Co. Clare for the 31st October and 1st of November. The party will be organized by invitation only, with limit of 100 people. To or…Location: Private castle Co Clare Vorbei: 15j 4m · 3.442 · Eingetragen von Flex Fotos0 People Psychedelic Halloween Party Magic land · Irland Sa., 31.10.09, 23:00 - Mo., 02.11., 08:00= 1t 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 4m