Party 20. - 21.01.23 · Club · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Psychedelic Trance party in Dublin! Winter is Here... and our DJs are ready to battle with the White Walkers to keep our body and mind warm for one more night dancing! FRIDAY ➖ 20th January ➖ 11:30pm…Location: The Workmans Club, , D02 VX36 Dublin Vorbei: 2j 26t · 110 · Eingetragen von juliosmap Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Psychedelic Gaff #29 Winter is Here Dublin · Irland · Karte Fr., 20.01.23, 23:30 - Sa., 21.01., 02:30= 3stdClub · Vorbei: 2j 26t