Party 09. - 10.04.22 · Indoor · Dublin City, Irland Line-Up: A night dedicated to the forest psytrance! SATURDAY ➖ 09th April ➖ 11pm ➖ Entry €5/€7 ⬛◼◾▪ LINE UP ▪◾◼⬛ ▪ LIVE ▪ 🐸 Lah NarraD (Tongue on the Roof/ Woo Dog Records) 🎧 ▪ DJs ▪ 🐸 Psytori (Shunyata Recor…Location: The Sound House (inside The Wiley Fox) 28 Eden Quay - Dublin… Vorbei: 2j 11m · 181 · Eingetragen von juliosmap Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Psychedelic Gaff #25 Fluorest Dublin City · Irland · Karte Sa., 09.04.22, 23:00 - So., 10.04., 02:30= 3std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 2j 11m