Party 16. - 17.12.16 · In- & Outdoor · Sihanoukville, Kambodscha Line-Up: 6-9pm - Jam Session ft. Jeff, Rogers & Michel 9-11pm - Shelly (UK) 11-1:30am - Polly (EU) 1:30-3:30am - Gai (IL) 3:30-4:30am - 3hpl (RU) 4:30-7am - Wacky (TR)Info: A unique chance to experience Tribal Gathering and Psychedelic Adventure! Every Friday No Natter What we give you the best of Psy-Trance World! Otres Corner Bar and The Last Hippie Standing Project ar… Vorbei: 8j 6t · 340 · Eingetragen von Fredro Fotos0 People Psychedelic Friday Sihanoukville · Kambodscha · Karte Fr., 16.12.16, 18:00 - Sa., 17.12., 07:00= 13stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 8j 6t