Party 03. - 04.08.18 · In- & Outdoor · Sihanoukville, Kambodscha Line-Up: Nice DJs from all over the world! Dj's Line-Up: DJ Zhannet [RUS] DJ Gai [ISR] DJ Rob [UK] DJ Sir@ [NL] DJ Andray [RUS]Info: Psychedelic Friday is more then just a party or a night-out, it is a unique chance to experience Tribal Gathering and Psychedelic Adventure! Get yourself ready to dance all night long by PSYCHEDELIC v…Location: Otres Corner Last Hippie Standing Otres-1 Beach 10000 Sihano… Vorbei: 6j 7m · 1.314 · Eingetragen von DonPsy Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Psychedelic Friday Sihanoukville · Kambodscha · Karte Fr., 03.08.18, 22:00 - Sa., 04.08., 06:00= 8stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 6j 7m