Party 28.07.17, 04:00 - 11:00 · Indoor · Kathmandu, Nepal Line-Up: Joins us for the psychedic experience for the promo of himalayan frequency the line up for the party would be 4-6 Bali(NP) 6-7:30 Ashwin(NP) 7:30- 9:30 Subash(NP) 9:30-till late Freakmode(NP) Entry is…Location: Shamrock Irish Pub & Rooftop Cinema Kathmandu Paknajol Marg,… Vorbei: 7j 7m · 131 · Eingetragen von Vinayak Fotos0 People Psychedelic experience. Kathmandu · Nepal · Karte Fr., 28.07.17, 04:00 - 11:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 7m