Party 25. - 26.05.07 · In- & Outdoor · Prora / Insel Rügen, Deutschland / 5 Line-Up: Tron (Liquid Records - Mexico) oder *** CANCELLED**** sorry, but it was not possible to get a flight for this weekend from London, we will try to have him at the next event at next month…Tante Lotte (Synphonie Records - Hannover) / Yoka (Synphonie Records - Köln) Puffo & M.Loop Low (Sinn-Tec Records) Helge van Rahden (Synphonie Records) /Info: 2 Floors - Beach in 150m - open-Air & Indoor - Synphonie Records meets Anuana TribeLocation: M3 Objektstr. 51 18609 Prora/ Binz auf Rügen AUTOBAHN RICHTU… Vorbei: 17j 9m · 2.508 · Eingetragen von Yoka Fotos0 People Psychedelic affinity Prora / Insel Rügen · Deutschland Fr., 25.05.07, 22:00 - Sa., 26.05., 10:00= 12stdIn- & Outdoor · / 5 · Vorbei: 17j 9m