Party 02. - 03.12.17 · Indoor · Monsano, Italien Line-Up: PSYCHEDELIC ADVENTURES ✔ Special guest.... ॐ CUBIXX ॐ [The Head of Iono Music - Berlin] ▸ ▸ A cube is a geometric, three-dimensional shape. Each of the six square faces is equal and creates a stead…Location: Miami Club Via Liguria 24 60030 Monsano Vorbei: 7j 20t · 462 · Eingetragen von polenarec Fotos0 People Psychedelic Adventures present Cubixx Monsano · Italien · Karte Sa., 02.12.17, 23:00 - So., 03.12., 08:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 7j 20t