Party 25. - 26.05.13 · Indoor · Rome, Italien Line-Up: MAINSTAGE PSYTRANCE KAL-EL aka Giorgio SUPERMAN - ACID PSYBREAK (Pocket Panther) ROBERT L 5h [Van Leonsky Brotherhood ] (1st EMP@SAE AMSTERDAM 2012) PSYTRANCE PSYCHEDELIC…Info: WELCOME TO THE NEW LEONSKY BROS CONCEPTPARTY; we try to offe to you the best electronic music dancefloors with PYTRANCE VS DnB; you can't miss to move your feet all ngiht long and over.... THE PSYCHED…Location: ZOOBAR Via Bencivenga 1 Angolo via Nomentana FMR1 Nomentano… Vorbei: 11j 8m · 1.211 · Eingetragen von GoAssssurdo RL DJ Fotos0 People PSYCHEDELIC <3 GATHERING FREENTRY Leonsky Brotherhood meets Evilsound DJs +AFTER Rome · Italien · Karte Sa., 25.05.13, 23:00 - So., 26.05., 17:00= 18stdIndoor · Vorbei: 11j 8m