Party 06. - 07.04.18 · Club · Oslo, Norwegen Line-Up: Psy Trance night in Oslo ! ♦ Fullon! ♦ Hitech! ♦ Prog!♦ The program lasting for 6/7 hours will be presented by the following DJ: Professorn Frontal Robotomy sound…Info: Just sad news, that our hall is adapted for 220 persons only. So, be in a hurry, if you wish to get cheaper tickets in advance. There may be no tickets left the last minute. 1 level - 275 nok 2 level…Location: Badstugata 2, Oslo, Norway Åpen Scene As Vorbei: 6j 10m · 3.176 · Eingetragen von PSY GALAXY Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Psy Galaxy #1 Oslo · Norwegen · Karte Fr., 06.04.18, 20:30 - Sa., 07.04., 03:00= 6std 30minClub · Vorbei: 6j 10m