Party 18. - 19.02.23 · Club · Baden, Österreich Line-Up: 👽 KavanRay (AT) - PsyPort Rec. 👽 ZavaConnex (AT) - PsyPort Rec. 👽 Paranormal (AT) - PsyPort Rec. 👽 Van°Atius (AT) - PsyPort Rec.Info: PSY at DIVA´s - The Psytrance Night in Baden PsyPort Rec. is this time guest at the legendary DIVA Club in Baden near Vienna to party with you through the night.Location: DIVA CLUB Baden, Braitner Strasse 33, 2500 Baden Vorbei: 2j 24t · 538 · Eingetragen von KavanRay Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Psy at Diva´s - The PsyTrance Night in Baden Baden · Österreich · Karte Sa., 18.02.23, 23:00 - So., 19.02., 07:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 2j 24t