Party 08. - 09.12.06 · Indoor · COLOGNE / KÖLN, Deutschland / 6 Line-Up: TRUE LIES (Candy Flip Rec. / Greece) His exclusive brand new album presentation from the sideproject of Montagu & Golkonda / Symphonix. The album will be released in the beginning of 2007 in the greec…--- MAGICAL (Planet B.E.N. Rec.) --- LOUIS LEY (Sinn Tec Rec.) --- STARSKY (Substical Rec.) --- ANOUK (Sinn Tec Rec.) --- K.L.AUDIO (Pistop) --- SKY LAP (Sinn Tec Rec.) --- ANIKAN (Minimal Groove) ---…Info: THE FIRST 100 GUEST will get a free MIX-CD from DJ MAGICAL BIRTDAY KIDS FOR FREE JÄGERMEISTER FOR 2 HOURS FREE (auf Tabletts verteilt auf dem Dancefloor) SPECIAL BLACKLIGHT DECORATION OUTDOOR FIREPLAC…Location: Piraterie - Odonien Hornstrasse 85 Köln-Ehrenfeld (hinter Er… Vorbei: 18j 2m · 4.521 · Eingetragen von velv Fotos0 People ** PROGRESS IN TRANCE II ** Last Party 2006 @ Piraterie Cologne / Köln · Deutschland Fr., 08.12.06, 22:00 - Sa., 09.12., 16:00= 18stdIndoor · / 6 · Vorbei: 18j 2m