Party 10. - 11.07.10 · Open Air · London, Großbritannien CANCELED Line-Up: Chandrananda John Miszt (misztifiedmind/7sins) Marc Noctem Mr. Marecki Mark Day MishMash (misztifiedmind/7sins) Nahoj Nolan Shmolan Therri (7sins) Silky (misztifiedmind)Info: solar powered free party... there will be no bar, so get equipped before, take your rubbish with you.Location: this space :-) London open air with public tr… Vorbei: 14j 7m · 878 · Eingetragen von inphase Fotos0 People plugged into the Sun London · Großbritannien Sa., 10.07.10, 23:30 - So., 11.07., 13:00= 13std 30minOpen Air · CANCELED · Vorbei: 14j 7m