Party 08. - 09.12.06 · Indoor · Sheffield, Großbritannien Line-Up: WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD (Joof records)DJ Pod (Ripsnorter/Tribe of Frog) aNTAcid (NTA) Dil & Greg ZoggInfo: Joining the dots.. from trance.. to techno.. to psy!! The "its not quite Christmas just yet" special with WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD - John 00 Flemming's Label's latest signing - playing live, pl…Location: The Plug (Neutral), Matilda St, Sheffield S1 4QD Vorbei: 18j 2m · 1.069 · Eingetragen von John Fotos0 People PLANET ZOGG Sheffield · Großbritannien Fr., 08.12.06, 22:00 - Sa., 09.12., 06:00= 8stdIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 2m