Party 06. - 07.05.11 · Indoor · sheffield, Großbritannien Line-Up: DISCOTEKA (Planet Zogg Records/Sabretooth) ATOMGRINDER (Fish N Trips Records)DJ POD (Ripsnorter/Tribe of Frog) FIRE ICEWITCH (Killertrax) TRIFIC (Frozac) GREG ZOGG (Planet Zogg/RipsnorterInfo: >> This month we have... DISCOTEKA - Ben Fraser, Greg Zogg and Kebba Propulsion live and direct on stage mashing up tech-trance, techno, breaks and a big dollop of throbbing psychedelia complete…Location: Plug (Neutral) Matilda St Sheffield S1 4QD Vorbei: 13j 10m · 1.039 · Eingetragen von John Fotos0 People PLANET ZOGG ~ An all night trip through hyperdelia sheffield · Großbritannien Fr., 06.05.11, 23:00 - Sa., 07.05., 06:00= 7stdIndoor · Vorbei: 13j 10m