Party 04. - 05.06.10 · Indoor · Sheffield, Großbritannien Line-Up: RE:CREATION (Psychoactive/Flying Rhino Digital)MATT GILFORD BLAY DIL (Planet Zogg/Karma) GREG ZOGG (Planet Zogg/RipsnorterInfo: One hundred parties!! How did that happen?! We're not sure but its been a long but fun journey through eight venues, lots of different DJs, many live acts and loads of up for it Zoggers… Somehow we've…Location: Plug (Neutral), Matilda st, Sheffield S1 4QD Vorbei: 14j 9m · 1.269 · Eingetragen von John Fotos0 People PlANET ZOGG 100th PARTY!! Sheffield · Großbritannien Fr., 04.06.10, 22:00 - Sa., 05.06., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 9m