Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 13. - 14.09.03 · Open Air · Antrim, Irland Line-Up: (THE VILLAGE) Earth Tribe Psychedelic Trance Arena Cyber Chick Aerophobia Alien Greg Druid (Slam Bigots) Gav Phrazer Soma Angel Oscar Sanchez Markina Doctor Fer Daniel Rrel Love Hardhouse Hard Trance…Info: Commercial One day Festival. First time Psychedelic Trance has played a part in a Commercial Fesitval in Ireland so with the music only being 2 years old in Northern Ireland this a very special mom…Location: SHANE’S CASTLE, RANDALSTOWN ROAD, ANTRIM. COUNTY ANTRIM. NOR… Vorbei: 21j 6m · 1.929 · Eingetragen von Darrell Johnston (DJ Druid) Fotos0 People Planet Love Antrim · Irland Sa., 13.09.03, 14:00 - So., 14.09., 02:00= 12stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 21j 6m