Party 05. - 06.02.11 · Indoor · Around Paris, Frankreich Line-Up: HOLLS (Pirate Love - Fonktion - Subimpact) REMY (Otezuka - StereOrganic) ADRIEN (Bus rec - KromePressings ) RENZO (Pirate love ) JB (Pirate Love - Fonktion - All Muzing) GUIG’S (Kipik - Subimpact)Info: The Pirate Love Party is coming fast! For those that have not brought their tickets yet, it is time!!! There are only 230 tickets for this party. The place is kept secret for now but it will be a grea…Location: The address is written on the tickets. Vorbei: 14j 1m · 1.641 · Eingetragen von limpts Fotos0 People Pirate Love Around Paris · Frankreich Sa., 05.02.11, 23:00 - So., 06.02., 08:00= 9stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 1m