Party 26. - 27.10.24 · Open Air · Cochabamba, Bolivien Line-Up: We present the official LINE UP of PSY PUMPKIN 🎃👽 15 DJs in charge of enveloping us in sound psychedelia throughout the night! 🤯🔥 Great references and friends from different groups visit us 🫂 thus cre…Info: A meeting in the skirts of our apus 🏕 celebrating creativity through the art of costume for one of the most anticipated parties of the year HALLOWEEN! 👹 🧿🚀 This October 26 and 27 we have a new event f…Location: Balneario Casa Blanca, , Cochabamba Vorbei: 4m 7t · 154 · Eingetragen von Alternativebo Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People PSY PUMPKIN Costume Psytrance Party Cochabamba · Bolivien · Karte Sa., 26.10.24, 16:00 - So., 27.10., 10:00= 19stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 4m 7t