Party 21. - 22.04.07 · Indoor · Berlin, Deutschland / 7 Line-Up: Live Floor: ++++ plus surprise Artist: HOKUS POKUS (Parvati Rec) Denmark++++ 23pm-2am:::Monchi(dj) (neuro family) stuttgart 2-3am:::::Multi Evil (Evil Knivel/5th elements rec)…Info: We are joining here with a hole bounch of friends to make things possible wich are usually not, we will bring u 12 artist and many djs from all around the planet, for just 10 euro!!!! also for us i…Location: <<INSEL-BERLIN>> Alt-Treptow 6 12435 Berlin S-Ba… Vorbei: 17j 10m · 8.086 · Eingetragen von ankur Fotos0 People ::::::Parvati Vibes and ExtraterrestrialComics Release:::: Berlin · Deutschland Sa., 21.04.07, 23:00 - So., 22.04., 14:00= 15stdIndoor · / 7 · Vorbei: 17j 10m