Party 01. - 02.02.14 · Indoor · Zug, Schweiz / 1 Line-Up: the osom music night is a compensation party for the "Mirrored Reality Festival" that should have taken place on this weekend. we would like to apologize again that we had to change the fest…:: 1st floor :: PSYCKO - noise poison (GER) PANNICK - dark prisma (GRE) KAZULU - interaural (GER) :: 2nd floor :: CEREBRUM ORGANICUS - alice.d (AU) PHILOSO - kamino/insane vision (AU)Location: GALVANIK - zug Vorbei: 11j 1m · 2.660 · Eingetragen von Mirrored Reality Festival Fotos0 People OSOM MUSIC NIGHT Zug · Schweiz · Karte Sa., 01.02.14, 20:00 - So., 02.02., 10:00= 14stdIndoor · / 1 · Vorbei: 11j 1m