Party 02. - 03.03.24 · Indoor · Wellington, Neuseeland Info: Happy New Year! 🥳 Team Moksha is all set to kick off the year with a bang, and we're extending a warm welcome to everyone for Orgánica - IV! Brace yourselves for an extraordinary year ahead, and what…Location: The Champagneria, 8 Courtenay Place, Te Aro, Wellington 6011, Wellington Vorbei: 1j 9t · 72 · Eingetragen von Team Moksha Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People Orgánica - IV Wellington · Neuseeland · Karte Sa., 02.03.24, 20:30 - So., 03.03., 02:30= 6stdIndoor · Vorbei: 1j 9t