Party 26. - 27.07.08 · Open Air · CUSCO, Peru Line-Up: AIRFFECT mind funk music moonchild/ bolivia TRIBU AMARU organic tranceAIRFFECT / mind funk music moonchild /bolivia COSMIC SHAMAN chamania rec OS CALDERON /chamania rec DARKEST psyspirit LUIS reactivate MYCKY sueño azul 3 djs guest for the MEDIA LUNA STAGE/ FIRST BIRTHD…Info: after coming 600 people in the last party ( intiraymi trance festival) chamania records present the best main stage for psytrance music and the new stage (domes) "MEDIA LUNA"s (ambient and p…Location: cusco Vorbei: 16j 6m · 2.272 · Eingetragen von oswaldo Fotos0 People OPEN AIR TRANCE FESTIVAL Cusco · Peru Sa., 26.07.08, 16:30 - So., 27.07., 12:00= 19std 30minOpen Air · Vorbei: 16j 6m