Hoppla! Du hast eine Seite aufgerufen, die nur für Member erreichbar ist.Hier geht es zum Member Login Party 30. - 31.07.05 · Open Air · near Bugyi, Ungarn Line-Up: Time lock live / YoYo rec.- BNe dist. - Israel Psyboriginal live / Ketuh rec. - AustralliaP-mac / ketuh records - Portugal Djane Lauryn - Usa Oleg Dolphin Wegha Jirzij TsubiInfo: The party is near by a lake on a half island, the sorround is very nice, the line up is amaising. The prices is really correct.Nice sound system.Plazma screens. 3dFractal deco by trixx map:Location: From the M0 ring going towards DABAS at the 50th road. At th… Vorbei: 19j 6m · 1.345 · Eingetragen von dolpsyn Fotos0 People open air gathering near a lake near Bugyi · Ungarn Sa., 30.07.05, 22:00 - So., 31.07., 15:00= 17stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 19j 6m