Party 07. - 08.10.06 · Open Air · Herdade do Zebro - Parreira - Chamusca, Portugal Line-Up: Ananda Shake (Utopia Records/Quark Agency) Israel Live concert for the 1st time presented in Portugal Official album presentation in Portugal "We Speak Music" Phanatic (Utopia Records/Quark…Don't haveInfo: Celebration of the first aniversary of Happy Minds Records Begin: 00Hh00 End: 20h00 Entrance: 20 minds Infoline: 933834117 / 938698149 / Party on a circus tent, chillout area, Alternative tent with du…Location: Place: Herdade do Zebro - Parreira - Chamusca - Portugal Vorbei: 18j 5m · 8.664 · Eingetragen von Happy Minds Records Fotos0 People One Year of Life - Live Party - Fullmoon Party Herdade do Zebro - Parreira… · Portugal Sa., 07.10.06, 23:30 - So., 08.10., 20:00= 20std 30minOpen Air · Vorbei: 18j 5m