Party 31.12. - 01.01.08 · Indoor · SouthPsyZone, Deutschland Line-Up: ___ LOMION -Gomantak- GIL GALAD -free Project- and a surprise Guest.... ___Info: - ambient intro from 22:00 till 00:00 - big display of fireworks - huge fire outside - special welcome drink - free frUiTs and sWeEts ___ Vorbei: 17j 2m · 1.887 · Eingetragen von lomion Fotos0 People Once upon a time... The New Year´s Eve Happening SouthPsyZone · Deutschland Mo., 31.12.07, 22:00 - Di., 01.01.08, 08:30= 10std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 17j 2m