Party 27. - 28.03.10 · Indoor · a fortress around antwerp city, Belgien Line-Up: Mittelstandskinder Ohne Strom - NDMA live they will play a special live set with their oldest tracks from the good old days :)Anoebis (Suntrip records) Super G (suntrip records) Ben & Yani Starelve & Slunky LizzardLocation: a beautiful fortress close to the airport of Deurne Vorbei: 14j 11m · 2.182 · Eingetragen von Psydalf Fotos0 People Old is Gold 7: M.O.S - NDMA live set a fortress around antwerp c… · Belgien Sa., 27.03.10, 22:00 - So., 28.03., 10:00= 11stdIndoor · Vorbei: 14j 11m