Party 18. - 19.11.21 · Club · Berlin, Deutschland Line-Up: Mad Hattress [OG Overgroundmusic / Quench Records / Vreunde] Just Mo [OG Overgroundmusic / Quench Records / Vreunde] Balkhausen LIVE SET [ / Psychedelic Theatre / Rausch&Flausch] Co…Info: 3 Genres, 2 Dance Floors - It's double the trouble. Join us in our collaboration event in Bulbul Berlin Finally indoor events are legally approved, and the rave scene in Berlin is back. Fighting multi…Location: Skalitzer Str. 114 10999 Berlin Vorbei: 3j 3m · 308 · Eingetragen von OG Overgroundmusic Berichte0 Fotos0 Meeting0 People OG Double Trouble - Indoor Rave 02 @ Bulbul Berlin (2G) Berlin · Deutschland · Karte Do., 18.11.21, 22:00 - Fr., 19.11., 06:00= 8stdClub · Vorbei: 3j 3m