Party 31.07. - 01.08.10 · Open Air · oosteeklo, Belgien Line-Up: SHaPe SHiFTeRS & Occultrance FESTIVAL '60s '70s influenced psychedelic rock & oldskool goa trance !!LIVE BANDS!! MY SLEEPING KARMA (DE)AQUA NEBULA OSCILLATOR (FR)QUANTUM FANTAY (BE)THE COSMIC TRIP MA…oldskool goa trance dj's Psytek Ah-téhla Laurentius javi dr. psylocibine inada stryder ...Info: RESERVATION & TICKETS ---- TICKETS are limited to 600 people, so be fast!!! ENTRANCE: 20 euro 24 @ the door we will sell tickets @ Goa parties and soon the…Location: Bosstraat Assenede belgium the flyer still has the wrong adr… Vorbei: 14j 7m · 6.838 · Eingetragen von ah-tehla Fotos0 People occultrance vs shapeshifters festival oosteeklo · Belgien Sa., 31.07.10, 10:00 - So., 01.08., 22:00= 1t 12stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 14j 7m