Party 20. - 21.01.07 · Indoor · london, Großbritannien Line-Up: James Compressor (EtnicaNet-24/7)Many (AcidMonkey) Maghina (Nomads) Sarschas (Kalimist/Efilling) Wicki (Pharpsy Rec./freeFall) Ttone (Nomads) Nuky (Nomads) MishMash (FreeSpirit)Info: Friends from all the diferente worlds, the Nomads would like to invite you to this party that will be special, with lots of diferent acts from music, dance and visual performances. Infoline:07830263…Location: .....cALL On tH3 dAy for venuE... Vorbei: 18j 1m · 1.687 · Eingetragen von Masaya Fotos0 People NOMADS@PSYCHEDELIC ART EXPERIENCE...COMPRESSOR london · Großbritannien Sa., 20.01.07, 22:00 - So., 21.01., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 18j 1m