Party 17. - 18.05.08 · Open Air · Ibiza, Spanien Line-Up: ImoxMaya Ossian Rudi Pablo+Andres Ali and moreInfo: This a birthday party for Pablo and Salomon. It starts in the evening. Please, be very careful with cigarettes because of the increasing FIRE-risk! Respect neighbours!Location: Contact us to get more info. Vorbei: 16j 9m · 1.586 · Eingetragen von Aladin Fotos0 People +*+NO DISCO+*+,,+*+* Googbye HOFFMAN Celebration,,,+**+*`` Ibiza · Spanien Sa., 17.05.08, 18:00 - So., 18.05., 12:00= 18stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 16j 9m