Party 31.10. - 02.11.08 · In- & Outdoor · Bristol, Großbritannien Line-Up: Vagrant MisfitMat V (NH) Gypsie (NH) Aulday ( NH) Palfrey ( NH) Berger (NH) Sean Rudz (666) Martian (Eklektek) Rigbic (Fireye) Hemp (Tribe of Frog) Psychosonic (Tribe of Frog) Fda Fda (Tribe of Frog)Info: Prepare yourselves for what will be the most bizarre and seductive weekend you will encounter in a long time. Thou shall NEVER forget! 2 days and 2 nights of musical mischief! Set in an Twisted Fairgr…Location: The Black Swan Stapleton Road Bristol BS5 6NR Vorbei: 16j 1m · 3.636 · Eingetragen von gypsie Fotos0 People Ninja Hippies & The psychedelic Circus of Horror's Halloween Bristol · Großbritannien Fr., 31.10.08, 22:00 - So., 02.11., 18:00= 1t 20stdIn- & Outdoor · Vorbei: 16j 1m