Party 01. - 02.10.05 · Open Air · Grândola, Portugal Line-Up: Safi Connection -> .*Spliff Music - Isr Liquid Phase -> .*Spliff Music - Isr Liquid on Safi -> .*Spliff Music - Isr Tube -> .*Chemical Crew - Isr Theoreme -> .*Arcadia Music - Jap D-Tek -> .*Maia Reco…Safi -> .*Spliff Music - Isr Yaniv -> .*Spliff Music - Isr David Durst -> .* Maia Records - Mex Organic Confusion -> .*Good Trance - Pt Kamala -> .*Good Trance - Pt B.Logic -> .*Good Trance - Pt Suria…Info: The First 100 female entries are free, offer of 500 cds from the album "Liquid on Safi - Cosmic Sun", to the first 500 entries (this not include the first 100 female entries) 48.000 W of…Location: North Route - A1 towards Lisbon - Vasco da Gama Bridge - A2… Vorbei: 19j 5m · 4.283 · Eingetragen von Fib Fotos0 People .:: @ NiGhT GaRdEnS @ ::. By Good Trance Grândola · Portugal Sa., 01.10.05, 22:00 - So., 02.10., 22:00= 1tOpen Air · Vorbei: 19j 5m