Party 31.12. - 01.01.16 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: To round off what has been an incredible year of gigs, parties and collaborations, we are only just delighted to tell you that SPUD Silly People United in Dance and Springfield Crew Massive are unitin…Info: Fancy Dress Rinse Out Come as all you have dreamed off as we rinse out the old and ring in the new Floor Performers Bubbles SurprisesLocation: Parliament Street, Temple Bar Dublin 2 Vorbei: 8j 11m · 584 · Eingetragen von Bandia Fotos0 People New Years Eve Fancy Dress Rinse Out Dublin · Irland · Karte Do., 31.12.15, 20:30 - Fr., 01.01.16, 03:00= 6std 30minIndoor · Vorbei: 8j 11m