Party 06. - 07.06.09 · Open Air · Transylvania, Rumänien / 1 Line-Up: dj.Styx invites you on a 12 hour journey dj cosmInfo: 2000 watts HK Lucas Audio its time for dj Styx to say goodbye for a while.. this going to be his last Psytrance set ment to bring you on a 12 hour journey trough psychedelic trance.Location: secret for now! this a privat family one night party nothing… Vorbei: 15j 9m · 2.468 · Eingetragen von Transylvania Calling Fotos0 People Never ending FullmOOn Story (part 3) Transylvania · Rumänien Sa., 06.06.09, 18:00 - So., 07.06., 12:00= 18stdOpen Air · / 1 · Vorbei: 15j 9m