Party 29. - 30.01.10 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: Absolum (3d recordings) FranceSque (Neutronyx - PT connection) Psylock (tribal movements) Marcelo Falcao BrazilInfo: GENERAL INFORMATION: Doors at 10:00Pm Price: 10 euro before 12 and 12 after 12. Be early to avoid being late! For Pre-sales @ 10€ available just call: +353 (0) 868067145 SPECIAL PRE-SALE GROUP OFFER g…Location: AndrewsLane Theatre Vorbei: 15j 2m · 1.556 · Eingetragen von zefer Fotos0 People Neutronyx presents ABSOLUM (3D Recordings) in Dublin Dublin · Irland Fr., 29.01.10, 22:00 - Sa., 30.01., 12:00= 14stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 2m