Party 27. - 28.03.09 · Indoor · Dublin, Irland Line-Up: GABA - PSYINVASION / BRAZILGabriel Kamers aka DJ Gaba was born in Brazil and living in London since 2003 he has always listened and enjoyed great music and inevitably fell in love with Psychedelic Tra…Info: Alternative Universes, Worlds, Realities and Dimensions in Fiction. Neutronyx brings you a trip into the unexpected music dimensions enhanced by sound and live percussions an event that brings you the…Location: Radio City Store Street, Dublin 1 Opposite BUSARAS Vorbei: 15j 10m · 1.709 · Eingetragen von Squee Fotos0 People Neutronyx pres. "PARALLEL UNIVERSE" Dublin · Irland Fr., 27.03.09, 23:00 - Sa., 28.03., 03:00= 4stdIndoor · Vorbei: 15j 10m