Party 27.06.10, 15:30 - 23:30 · Open Air · lago di Martignano, Roma, Italien Line-Up: MAX GANDALF eXpander DAM eXpander TRIMSIX redfield rec. NEMO liquid oneInfo: Yaro's birthday!!! For the second time in the 4th summer it's finally time to kill the stress... Be yourself and be accomplice with us... DJam sessions, live sets about chill, dub, prog and growing el… Vorbei: 14j 7m · 1.247 · Eingetragen von magan Fotos0 People NATURAL BORN CHILLER 2nd party (eXpander kllls the stress) lago di Martignano, Roma · Italien So., 27.06.10, 15:30 - 23:30= 8stdOpen Air · Vorbei: 14j 7m